Azara Healthcare continues to pioneer advancements in healthcare technology with its proactive involvement in the UDS+ initiative. Last week marked a significant milestone with the final voluntary submissions of Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) data to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) through UDS+. UDS+, an innovative approach to calendar year reporting mandated for all Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), simplifies the reporting process by allowing FQHCs to submit de-identified, patient-level data directly to HRSA. Azara Healthcare has played a pivotal role in this initiative, serving as the vendor of choice for 129 centers across two cohorts for voluntary CY23 submissions. This substantial participation underscores Azara's commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and data accuracy for FQHCs nationwide.
Azara Healthcare has played a pivotal role in this initiative, serving as the vendor of choice for 129 centers across two cohorts for voluntary CY23 submissions. This substantial participation underscores Azara's commitment to enhancing operational efficiency and data accuracy for FQHCs nationwide.
"While the voluntary submission period for CY23 has concluded, Azara Healthcare remains steadfast in its collaboration with HRSA and the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC)," said Jeff Brandes, President & CEO of Azara Healthcare. "We are actively engaged in refining processes and staying abreast of any updates to ensure a seamless transition for future reporting cycles."
In late August, HRSA announced the guidelines for UDS+ submissions that will be required for health centers to submit for the CY24 reporting period. Requirements include submitting data for patient demographic tables and at least one (1) of five (5) select eCQMs (see figure at right). At a minimum, data submitted must include all of the center’s medical patients.
Azara offers UDS+ submission to its customers free of charge and currently has the ability to meet HRSA’s requirements noted above for CY24 reporting. With regards to the CQMs, it is our intention to submit the Controlling High Blood Pressure (CMS165 v12) measure, which is the HRSA-recommended and Azara supported measure for CY24 submission. In 2025, when reporting on 2024 data, center-authorized users will be able to approve and configure a UDS+ submission directly in the DRVS application.
After successfully submitting CY23 UDS+ data for 129 health centers in Cohorts 1 and 2, Azara’s focus is on providing a seamless UDS+ submission experience for our users in CY24. We will continue to send updates to our customers regarding the UDS+ reporting process within DRVS throughout the rest of the year and into 2025 as the process develops.
Want to learn more?
If you are a current Azara DRVS customer, we recommend joining our UDS webinars, which will be hosted throughout the fall and into the new year. UDS Preparation Sessions, are also available. Your DRVS data will be used to analyze UDS numbers and provide an in-depth validation of specifically chosen UDS measures and monitoring tools. Our team will work with your staff to identify errors, highlight care gaps and surface opportunities for workflow improvement.
If you are not an Azara customer and would like to learn more about DRVS, UDS+ reporting, or any other of our offerings, please email
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