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Reports? Measures? Your Search Simplified

Finding a specific measure in Azara DRVS through the usual navigation methods can sometimes be a daunting task. This is especially true when you have hundreds of them to choose from. Take this long list of measures and stick them into the second level of menus and you have quickly entered the world of confusion and possible dead ends. While this is not always the case, we know it can be quite tiring to find the specific measure you want when you may not know where it is.

Instead of browsing through the measure and report navigation you can now do a search to quickly pull up matches for your desired measure. As you type into the search bar results that match with your text will begin to show. The more that is entered into the search bar the more specific the results that are returned will become. Not sure what a measure name is? You can also enter partial parts of the measure you are looking for and the search will return the closest matched results. Using partial searches allows looser matching to the available measures and in some cases will return additional options which may be useful. This is not always the case so being as specific as possible will help.

For example, if you were to enter ‘Pap’ into the address bar you would get results like:

• Pap Smear Rates (GRPA)
• Pap Tests (UDS 2015)
• Cervical Cancer Screening – Pap Only (NQF 0032 – CMS124v4)
• Cervical Cancer Screening (NQF 0032)
• Cervical Cancer Screening (NQF 0032)

To the uninformed, it’s not immediately obvious in this example why the bottom two items appear, but the top three are very clear. The term ‘pap’ exists in the names for the top results but not the bottom ones. However, the bottom two results appear because the Azara team has tagged them with the term ‘Pap’, to allow them to be associated with a larger number of terms associated with cervical cancer screening and because of the tag the bottom results are included as well. In this case, because we have limited results it is beneficial to have the additional information.

Some names and tags are shared among the different categories. Because of this, there are additional indicators for where the results come from and where you may see the measure listed. Below the name of the measure within the result will be a short path to where the result can be found in the navigaton (e.x. Reports > UDS). The other indicator is an icon, like the navigation, which will show the category the result is in. You may sometimes get results on a search which are all in a category you don’t want. For example, if you were to type ‘uds’ the results by default are going to come from the reports category. If you precede the query with ‘measure:’ in the search, the results will be limited to the measure category and ignore those in any other category.

As with any other search feature, the quality of the results is dependent on the information provided. Next time you aren’t sure where to go give it a try.