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VIDEO: NACHC P&I panel highlights data, analytics

At the National Association for Community Health Centers 2014 Policy & Issues Conference held in Washington, D.C.,  the Azara team assembled a panel of DRVS users to discuss their experiences with the platform and talk about how their organizations benefit from real-time access to patient and provider data.

Representing the provider perspective was Jessica Boyd, M.D., chief medical officer from Baltimore Health System. Joining Dr. Boyd from the Maryland health center was Michele Lagana, chief information officer/chief financial officer.

For a broader perspective, Azara welcomed Lisa Perry, vice president of  quality and technology initiatives from the Community Health Center Association for New York State (CHCANYS) and Susan Wilson, chief operating officer and director of primary care quality and excellence at Missouri Primary Care Association. Both CHCANYS and Missouri PCA have helped to deploy DRVS at health centers in their respective states and use data collected from the centers to improve overall center performance and patient care.

There are three versions of the panel presentation that are available for viewing: the full presentation, the perspective from just Baltimore Medical System and the perspective of just CHCANYS and Missouri PCA.

Version 1: Full Panel

Version 2: Baltimore Medical System Perspective

Version 3: CHCANYS and Missouri PCA Perspective

**Please click through to the post to access the videos.**