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Azara’s New DRVS Interface Helps Community Health Centers Know Where They Stand

Jeff Brandes needn't tamp his enthusiasm for the new user interface on Azara DRVS, a powerful data reporting and analystics service for community health centers (CHCs) and Primary Care Associations (PCAs).

Compared to the old interface, the difference is 'night and day,' both in look-and-feel and ease of use, says Brandes, president. "It’s awesome! Most importantly for our customers, the interface makes it easier to get to the information they want, with fewer clicks, and more flexible ways to slice and dice the data.”

Azara markets the DRVS product to CHCs that typically don’t have the sophisticated tools needed to position them for the future.

“In this era of healthcare reform and constant change, those who understand where they are, how they are performing and where they can or need to improve are better positioned to control their destiny moving forward," Brandes said. "With the data, a health center is better equipped to enter into programs such as "Pay for Performance,  Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), or an   Accountable Care Organization.

DRVS is currently being used by the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, for example, to collect healthcare data nightly from 13 CHCs in the Bay State, and run reports that allow the CHCs to compare their own performance in key indicators against others in the program.

“There are tons of different reports,” said Bob Dempkowski, deputy director of the Lynn Community Health Center, which is involved in the MLCHC’s DRVS project. “We can get detailed reports at a patient level, or at an aggregate level, to see how we’re doing against other CHCs. We can see how our diabetic patients are doing, compared to Brockton, for example.”

Azara’s Brandes is aware that healthcare workers like Dempkowski are more interested in getting the work done correctly and securely than they are in whiz-bang technology. Although its engine is a powerhouse, the new user interface is clean and efficient. Which is awesome!

Have you tried it yet? Your peers want to know what you think!