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Azara Revs DRVS for Better Patient Management

Hello, Jeff Brandes here-- and I'm excited, along with the rest of the Azara team, to be on the verge of releasing an update to DRVS that can make a big difference in your day-to-day operations.

Following new dashboards and scorecards in December--as well as easier navigation and the ability to create custom scorecards--the late-January release will provide Azara’s users an easier way to begin to use information from DRVS in care planning and visit preparation. In addition, a number of enhancements have been made to improve the experience of filtering and viewing large amounts of information.

Our users tell us this will greatly improve care coordination and practice operations, and we're glad to assist!

New features include:

* The Visit Planning report, which will provide “at-a-glance” overviews of patients' upcoming appointments, highlighting chronic diseases and services or labs that may be due or overdue.

* The Crosstab Scorecard, which will allow users to view a performance across a large number of measures on a single consolidated scorecard.

* Multi-Center Grouping, a function that allows organizations or individuals responsible for multiple health centers to join multiple centers into a single group for aggregated reporting or comparative benchmarks.

We were really pleased with your feedback last fall, and will continue to listen and develop DRVS as your health care initiatives evolve in 2013.

Azara works closely with our clients on grant-worthy projects like those described in our Success Stories, as well as the finer points of data collection and analysis.

We are proud to work with Primary Care Associations, Community Health Centers and Health Center Controlled Networks. The commitment and innovation demonstrated by our clients keeps inspiration alive at our office!

What's on your mind? Drop us a note if you want to talk about it, and be sure to check out the wide range of engaging content here in the community.


Azara Glossary: Dashboards and Scorecards

All DRVS, All the Time

Azara and Mass Users Put DRVS into High Gear