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Azara question of the week: How does DRVS address Meaningful Use needs?

The Azara Community recently sat down with Azara Healthcare team members to discuss a wide range of issues related to data analytics and reporting for community health centers, including how Azara's DRVS platform is changing the data landscape at the centers. Here's what President and CEO Jeff Brandes had to say about how Azara is addressing Meaningful Use.

Jeff Brandes:  The Azara DRVS platform is very helpful in assisting providers in getting to meaningful use. We really dig deep and bring out the data necessary to attest from the EHR, and I think the most important thing is we put it in a very simple, consumable report or set of reports that providers and managers can access relatively easy – so they know where they stand, they know where they need to get to, and they can see their progress every step of the way.

As Meaningful Use evolves to Meaningful Use Stage 2 and Stage 3, we’ll continue to build out the functionality necessary for providers to be able to track and monitor those measures to be able to submit the clinical quality measures directly to the Office of the National Coordinator, and our SaS-based model allows us to continue to add that functionality as part of our ongoing upgrades and enhancements.