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Azara question of the week: How does DRVS address data dilemma?

The Azara Community recently sat down with Azara Healthcare team members to discuss the data-related challenges many community health centers face, and how the Azara DRVS platform can help CHCs move forward. Heather Budd, VP, Clinical Transformation at Azara, knows plenty about these challenges. She previously served as chief operating officer at Blackstone Valley Community Health Care.

Q. How does Azara DRVS help community health centers with their data dilemma? 

A. In my experience as a health center COO, many health centers are facing problems making health data available to the providers and care teams. The reason for that is if they’re really lucky they might have a great data analyst on staff. The problem is that person gets completely inundated with requests for data, can’t keep up, and can’t make it available at the level it needs to be.

What Azara DRVS provides is the capacity to have that data available on a much more regular basis so that community health centers can consume it in much more regular basis. The other issue that they face is most of the time health centers are producing data for an external entity, such as for regulatory purposes, and the reality is you need to be consuming that data on a much more regular basis to make changes happen. Ideally, you want to make sure that consumption is happening at the point of care.

So, Azara is really working toward making tools that make the data clinically relevant and drive decisions at the point of care.