Azara Healthcare and i2i Population Health Unite to Supercharge Safety Net Population Health Management > Read PR
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All Things Data

    Garden helps patients harvest better health

    Note: In our effort to make Azara’s blog cover the diverse range of issues that affect our clients, we hope to highlight interesting approaches our health center clients take to keep their communities healthy – not just their successes with DRVS and...

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    4 Steps to Reduce Your Data Latency

    Latency is a major theme that arises when we trace our customers’ DRVS data quality. As DRVS extracts data from the EMR on a daily basis, there is always an inherent latency in the data that is shown. We aim to achieve what we call “zero-day...

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    Our Expansion Continues

    This week I am pleased to announce that Azara has hired Patrick Crowley to be our Vice President of Engineering. This is an important milestone as we expand our infrastructure and capabilities to better serve our more than 150 health center, PCA and...

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