Top 7 KPI Charts and Reports in DRVS
Azara DRVS produces more than 25 core quality reports and measures over 40 health center-specific key performance indicators (KPI). Among the most popular:
Azara DRVS produces more than 25 core quality reports and measures over 40 health center-specific key performance indicators (KPI). Among the most popular:
There are many benefits to cloud services, from getting a good night's sleep instead of wearing a beeper for your small practice network to having someone else install updates.
Even as some health centers and primary care associations are feeling inundated with data, experts say they need to squeeze all the intelligence they can from small data sets before moving on to larger projects.
Value-based purchasing (VBP) is the underlying principle behind the creation of appropriate incentives that encourage all healthcare providers to deliver higher quality care at lower total costs.
Azara DRVS is becoming so intuitive that when users like the Missouri Quality Improvement Network (MOQuIN) get together to discuss their DRVS initiatives, “They talk about the data; they don’t talk about the tool,” said Greg Augustine, vice...
We've got a couple of HIMSS Davies Award success stories to share with you this week!