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Azara Healthcare Conducts First Successful UDS+ Submissions

Azara Healthcare continues to pave the way for voluntary UDS+ data submission

Azara Healthcare, the Best in KLAS provider of population health and value-based care solutions is proud to announce that its first successful UDS+ data submissions have taken place. From conducting synthetic testing, to validation and in-depth reviews, Azara continues to be a trailblazer in shaping and supporting the UDS+ process with the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).

HRSA, and more specifically the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), have divided the UDS+ submission process for Calendar Year (CY) 2023 data into three cohorts. Cohort 1 is closing out on April 5th and includes the first group of federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) which have chosen to voluntarily submit data for CY 2023. A total of 55 community health centers across the United States are participating in UDS+ submission with Azara Healthcare in Cohort 1 – this represents greater than 75% of the total centers participating in Cohort 1.

Azara Healthcare has worked closely with HRSA and its FQHC clients since the announcement of the UDS Modernization initiative, which aims to reduce reporting burden, improve data quality, and better measure program services and outcomes. As a leading provider of population health and value-based care solutions and data aggregation for annual reporting requirements, Azara Healthcare expands the support offered to FQHCs across the country by being a HRSA approved UDS+ vendor.

UDS+ aims to expand the value and utility of UDS data while improving how FQHCs prepare and submit this data. UDS+ submissions utilize Bulk FHIR APIs to send de-identified patient-level data to HRSA.

“Azara’s leading involvement in the UDS Modernization initiative showcases our ongoing commitment to our safety net providers,” said Jeff Brandes, President & CEO of Azara Healthcare. “Azara’s solutions are constantly evolving to support the unique needs and ever-changing advances in reporting requirements for FQHCs.”

Azara remains committed to providing UDS+ FHIR connectivity for submitting data to HRSA at no additional charge to its DRVS customers. This year’s voluntary submission process will continue with a second Cohort of FQHCs this summer. For Azara customers who would like to voluntarily participate in Cohort 2, contact Azara’s dedicated UDS+ support email to learn more about the process and eligibility requirements: