Azara Healthcare and i2i Population Health Unite to Supercharge Safety Net Population Health Management > Read PR
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    Azara Volunteer Day at Community Servings

    A volunteer team from Azara Healthcare recently helped out at Community Servings - a not-for-profit food and nutrition program providing services throughout Massachusetts to individuals and families living with critical and chronic illnesses.

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    Thoughts on HL7 FHIR

    One of the most exciting developments in health IT in the last few years has been HL7's FHIR (pronounced "fire") standard. In a time when most providers are finally using electronic health records, many still lament the challenges associated with...

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    The Azara Support Process

    As a DRVS user, have you ever wondered...

    Who will answer my support question today?How long will it take to get a resolution?What if I need more help?

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