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Azara links to MIIS Registry; boosts ability to share vital healthcare data


From the CEO's desk . . . 

As I mentioned in a previous posting, Azara has had a very busy summer. We achieved a multitude of key milestones and accomplishments, some of which I am just getting to share.

I am happy to report that back in May, Azara successfully connected to the Massachusetts Health Information HIway, (MassHIway), the statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE). On behalf of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers (Mass League) and 12 of its member health centers, we are now transmitting immunizations data to the  Massachusetts Department of Public Health Immunization Information System (MIIS), the state immunization registry.

Azara has worked with the Mass League and the DPH to send immunization data to the MIIS system for the past few years, but the transition to the Mass HIway represents an important milestone on our path to not only collect and report on clinical information from health centers systems, but also in Azara’s ability to meet its clients’ needs to supply aggregated data to other partners within the healthcare ecosystem. This achievement is the first of what I expect will be many connections between Azara DRVS and state and regional health information exchanges.

In addition, as part of this project, Azara DRVS’s Immunizations 1.0 was determined to be compliant with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) 2014 Edition Standards & Certification Criteria, and was certified as a Modular EHR for Criteria 170.314.f(2): Transmission to Immunizations Registries on May 19, 2015, by InfoGard Laboratories, Inc., an ONC-ACB, in accordance with the applicable eligible provider certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

I want to recognize and congratulate Evan Weixel, Eric Gunther and Ben Hahn on the DRVS team, as well as Mark Josephson at the Mass League, who all worked tirelessly to bring this project to fruition.

 Jeff Brandes is President and CEO of Azara Healthcare.